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Equifix Repair Cream 200g

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Equifix Repair Cream 200g

Equifix Repair Cream is a topical application using the powerful healing properties of emu oil. It contains a high percentage of high quality emu oil and therefore very suitable for minor wounds and various skin conditions.

Emu oil was discovered by the Aborigines many thousands of years ago. It has been utilised in Aboriginal culture as an antiseptic, analgesic and nutrient. Emu oil was used by them for joint aches and pains, sunburn, also as a moisturiser and to encourage skin repair.

Emu oil has been discovered to be bacteriostatic, which means that it does not promote the growth of bacteria, it is also hypoallergenic and non-comedogenic (low skin irritation and does not clog pores). From a veterinary aspect emu oil provides a pharmaceutical free, economic, natural option in the treatment of minor wounds, scar tissue and fungal skin conditions. It may be used on scar formations utilising its ability to promote normal tissue formation with 15% better collagen rejuvenation.

The strict restraints in the equine field for the use of drugs during and preceding competition mean that “EQUIFIX” provide a unique treatment regime for the equine athlete able to be used in competitive and racing conditions. The linoleric and oleic acid composition of the emu oil and the lack of long chain fatty acids in it’s’ make up are conducive to long shelf life.

Emu oil products have been used in veterinary medicine in the USA and in Australia. Veterinarians have realised that emu oil products provide unsurpassed wound healing. In short the properties of the emu oil products encourage healing and epithelialisation.